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  A Hello, World Servlet

Servlets are the pure Java solution to handle web requests. Many application will use servlets instead of JSP and others will use servlets in conjunction with JSP. Experienced JSP programmers use servlets in conjunction with JSP to create clearer and simpler applications. The servlets handle Java processing: form handing, calculation and database queries. JSP formats the results. Servlets belong in WEB-INF/classes. On this machine, the source is in Java source in /var/www/hosts/

   Web.xml,Tomcat,Servlet,WEB-INF     2011-05-08 10:31:39

  Learning Is More Important Than Knowing

Although DuckDuckGo's success is based more on ideology than technology, you'd have to be a pretty arrogant technologist to not appreciate and be impressed with what this small team (for a long time, 1 person) has accomplished. And while DuckDuckGo teaches us a number of valuable lessons (about business, and privacy), to me, the most important, is that good programmers should be measured by what they can learn, not what they already know. Gabriel Weinberg, DuckDuckGo's creator, has been wo...

   Learning,Knowing,Google,DuckDuckGo     2012-04-18 07:17:53

  Is Shared Hosting Secure?

Shared hosting is incredibly popular with users who are looking for the cheapest hosting available – the problem is that along with the low price you get poor performance and even more concerning – questionable security. When running on a shared host dozens if not hundreds of other sites are running on the same servers – this means any single security flaw in any of those applications can compromise the entire server. This  dramatically increases the odds of your ...

   Shared hosting,Virtual host,Security,Data security     2012-02-14 10:48:59

  The Erlang Design Pattern

Over the last couple of weeks I did an OO programming experiment. I call it the Erlang design pattern. It is based on the Actor model but goes some steps further. At its core just like the Actor model there are active entities (objects) that have a thread and a message queue with the thread waiting on the message queue to do some stuff. The Erlang design pattern extends the Actor model by first dividing the software program into active (actors, that have their own thread) and passive ...

   Erlang,Thread,Pattern,OS Threads     2012-02-06 07:47:56

  Magic CSS shape

There is a question on StackOverflow which states that someone finds a CSS sample on  , the sample shows a triangle created with pure CSS. The source code is :#triangle-up {width: 0;height: 0;border-left: 50px solid transparent;border-right: 50px solid transparent;border-bottom: 100px solid red;}The question is how these few lines can create a triangle? Next we give the answer and the detail illustration to this question We need to consider the B...

   CSS,Triangle,Box model,Border     2012-04-20 12:56:22

  HTML Site vs. WordPress Theme: Which one is better?

Are you looking for a perfect platform to set up your website? Then, there might be a close competition between the simple HTML and the WordPress platform. In this blog post, we will try to explore some points that will help you in making the right decision. Let us overview at some advantages grasped by HTML and WordPress. 1. Security of a website It has been discovered that the website running on WordPress is more vulnerable to security threats and hackers. As we know, WordPress is open source...


  Office is confirmed to be on iOS and Android

In May, there were news that Microsoft Office software would be on iOS and Android platforms. Now Microsoft officially confirmed the news and said that the Office would be on iOS and Android in some form.Not too long ago, Microsoft Czech branch had said that the Office would be on iOS and Android early next year.Microsoft said: "As we shared previously, Office Mobile will work across Windows Phones, Android phones and iOS, and we have nothing additional to announce today about retail availabili...

   Office,iOS,Android     2012-10-10 21:27:10

  Linux Kernel is replacing HTTP link with HTTPS

Linux kernel is in the process of replacing the HTTP links in its source code with HTTPS links. HTTPS is considered more secure than HTTP and can prevent lots of attacks like Man-In-The-Middle attack.  Currently there are more than 150 patches submitted by Linux Kernel developers to replace these HTTP links.  One thing to be noted is this replacement process is not a manual search and replace process. Indeed, some scripts are created to find out these links and try to find whethe...

   LINUX KERNEL,HTTP,HTTPS     2020-08-08 01:35:20

  Frequently used explanations of programmers

As a programmer, I think many of us have something like these below in our daily work. From these explanations, we may get to know different programmer's characteristics. Below are something we may say frequently. Don't be too serious about them.It's working on my computerI never heard about this beforeIt was working normally yesterdayOk, this is a bugHow is it possible?This must be the problem of the machine or the environmentDo you update your operating system?Must be the problems of client...

   Explanation,Programmer     2012-04-25 08:07:43

  Learn Emacs: Keyboard Macros

An emacs keyboard macro is just a recording of user input into emacs, which means that most anything you can do in emacs can be recorded as a macro. Read that again. Pretty powerful.Here’s how it works. To start recording, typeC-x (and input the commands in your macro. Then typeC-x )to stop recording. Then typeC-x eto apply the macro once, orC-u 0 C-x eto apply the macro until the bell rings or end of buffer is reachedKeep in mind that you must not ring the bell when defining a keyboard m...

   Emac,Macro,Code,Example     2011-11-10 10:45:47